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Horror Trailer Storyboard

Sunday 19 February 2012

Analysis of our Film Poster.

Tagline: The tagline is written at the top of the page to arouse the audience’s curiosity and to give them an idea of the story before they actually go to the cinema to see it. The fact that it’s in red and has been given a glow means that this will be the first thing that the audience will see when they look at the poster. The ambiguity of the question leaves them wanting more and leads them into asking themselves that exact question.

Quote: The quote underneath the tagline lets the audience know what critics think of the film. The purpose of a quote on a poster is to get the audience thinking about why it was given 4 stars and what they might like about it. This convention enables the audience to get excited and eager to see it.

Main Image: The image of a mask is shown in front of a black background. The mask in the middle of the poster implies that the killer is unknown – highlighting fear of the unknown which most people are afraid of nowadays. The blood on the mask adds to the element of horror and lets the audience know that the film will be ‘gruesome’. The black shadow in the mask represents the final girl – implying that she has a dark past that overshadows her and ‘kills her’ every day. However, this factor in the mask is open to interpretation. There are many ways of seeing the shadow for example, it could highlight a stereotype of death or a finger being placed on top of the mask to highlight secrecy.

Title: The title is written in a bold red font, from The fact that the title is written in red symbolises blood – reflecting the genre of the film. I tried to find a font that could connote death and blood and with this font, it could be seen as blood dripping from the victim or the mask.

Credits: The benefit of having the date of release at the bottom in bold and in red, enables the audience to find out and remember when the film will be coming out and therefore they won’t miss their chance to watch it. The date 24/07/12 highlights the birth of notorious killer Ed Gein, whose life inspired the horror movie; Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The finer details at the bottom of the page encourages to the audience to watch the film based on the storyline rather than the actors who are in it. Credits are usually seen on conventional movie posters. 

BBFC Guideline Rating: This rating for this movie is highlighted on the bottom left hand corner of the poster. This has been used to show our audience that this movie is suitable for 18+ as it contains content that is unsuitable for younger viewers. 

Production Company: The production company has been uses at the bottom to highlight what company the film belongs to. It also adds hype around the company so more people will see films in relation.